Variability And Singularity on Decoded Human Chart Design

Variability And Singularity on Decoded Human Chart Design

When we were beginners on the spiritual path, there were lots of things we needed to learn and experience one day while sitting at our instructor’s office, he provided the following words, which can be enlarged below and help frame this current discussion. Looking at the earth from the moon, all fear and care is missing in the majesty of the planet’s Oneness.

Often we came searching for answers to life issues and this perspective – this mysterious view of Oneness -was always the solution to life’s infinite variability and vulnerability. Although this view of Oneness was transitory- it would come and go- it was the antidote and if we were in this nation we understood Infinite peace and love.

Human Design

Early Self Development

These were posts on enhancing definition and strength in legs, arms, Back and abdominals; frequently articles were written by champions of the game. After studying these posts for many decades, it became apparent to me that every one of those writers had their own work-out system, higher lighting specific personally useful exercises; several situations these work-outs differed.

At first could not reconcile this variability; you see in the time had been looking for one full-proof strategy could follow to build my muscles. Yet most programs differed, which found disappointing, so finally generated own exercise taking exercises from several champions. For several reasons, my success on this route was restricted.

Religion & Self Development

In religion and religious studies there is a long record of decoding human design chart that one approach or belief system being the favourite son or daughter with alternative approaches frowned upon and even assaulted. Today we are living in a more open era where it is usually recognized by more people, different strategies exist because individuals are different, and what works for one may or may not work for another. Read somewhere there are recognized religions in the present in the world.

While all things in the Universe are connected and part of the one- there is infinite variability and multiplicity of form which contributes to the richness of the physical experience. By way of instance, in the sea there are fish which come in thousands of sizes and shapes.  It is the same with plants, insects, planets, stars and humans. It appears it is only baseball hats that come one size- fits all.

In one way, many options make it uncomfortable for the traveller who does not match; wondering if something is wrong with them. Also the likelihood you might not match your birth faith is reasonably high. The same teacher mentioned previously used to say, the faith of your arrival is more or less an accident; based on the family and culture you are born into.