Important Rules to Be Followed In Human Design

Important Rules to Be Followed In Human Design

The debate over if robots could overtake humans has recently been heated up by warnings against the possible threat of unregulated development of robots out of some industrial or academic super stars. However, what is clearly lacking in these warnings is a very clear description of any realistic situation where robots could assuredly challenge people as a whole, less puppets programmed and controlled by people, but as autonomous forces acting in their own will.

If this sort of situations would not be realistic then although we may possibly see robots be utilised as ruthless killing machines in future by terrorists, dictators and warlords as cautioned by the elite scientists and specialists 1, we may still not be concerned too much about the so called demonic threat of robots as cautioned by some elite experts as it is just another kind of human hazard in the long run. However, if the sort of scenarios mentioned previously could foreseeable be realized in the actual world, then people do need to begin worrying about how to protect against the peril from occurring rather than how to win debates over imaginary dangers.

Human Design Development

The reason that people on both sides of the argument could not see or show an extremely clear situation that robots could really challenge people in a very realistic manner is quite a philosophical matter. So far all discussions on the issue have focused on the possibility of making a robot that may be regarded as a person in the sense that it might really think as a human design rather than being solely a tool of people operated with programmed instructions. In accordance with this line of thought it appears that we do not need to be concerned about the threat of robots into our human species as a whole since nobody could nevertheless offer any plausible reason it is possible to produce this sort of robots.

The next question is: Is the sociability defined above realistic for robots. Since not all the Functionalities mentioned previously exist at least openly in this world now, to prevent any unnecessary debate, it would be smart to create our judgment based upon if any known scientific principle could be violated in any sensible Try to realize any specific functionality among those mentioned previously. Communication with other machines, moving items, repairing and operating Machine systems, and exploring natural resources are among nowadays common practices with programmed machineries. When this electrical activity is happening within the physical body, EM energy is discharged into the environment, producing overflow. There’s an intimate connection between thoughts in mind and activities of the body, and there’s also an intimate connection between the physical outer plane and the internal planes of being.